To process your request, we need to process your personal data. Find out more about the processing of your personal data here.


How do you choose your external DPO?


It's not easy to find your way around the various GDPR DPO offerings. We present the main types of players and the key points for finding the right DPO support to be GDPR compliant. An immature market 🚀 To make the right choice...

DPA - Data Processing Agreement

Data Processing Agreement

This is an important question when you want to create a database of prospects to do commercial prospecting Understanding the Data Processing Agreement (DPA): content, role and example The GDPR requires data controllers to establish a contract (DPA)...

Sensitive data: CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties)) requirements

CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties) sensitive data

CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties) sensitive data: definition What is CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties) sensitive data? Sensitive data is personal information deemed particularly sensitive. It can reveal intimate or protected aspects of a person's life. This CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties) sensitive data, such as...

General Terms and Conditions of Use - CGU


General Terms and Conditions of Use - CGULGeneral Terms and Conditions of Use (CGU) are a contractual document drawn up between users and the publishers of a website, e-Commerce platform or digital platform. How do I get my GCU? One of the most...