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To process your request, we need to process your personal data. Find out more about the processing of your personal data here.
How long can I keep data on clients who have cancelled their contract?
How long can I keep an employee's personal data, especially after they have left?
Personal data can only be kept for a limited period, which is set either by lawe.g laws, decrees, regulations), or directly by the French supervisory authority, the CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties)via recommendations, simplified standards, etc.
This is undoubtedly the most perilous and complex project to implement, since it involves raising awareness and providing in-house training for the departments concerned.
✅ Fortunately, more and more "business software", especially in the human resources sector, is finally starting to offer tools that automatically comply with the Data retention period for personal data.
However, not only is this not always the case, but many doubts may remain on a day-to-day operational basis as to the applicable Data retention period.
In this page you will be able to consult the duration of Data retention of personal data that apply in the fields of Human ResourcesSales Business Development and Marketing Marketingand Accounting and documents documents.
All the latest CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties) ) reforms and position statements from January 1, 2020 have been taken into account.
To define the Data retention period for the personal data you process, it is necessary to carry out a compliance analysis of your processing operations. It should be noted, however, that regulations have set a Data retention period for certain types of processing. In other words, in certain cases, the duration of Data retention of personal data is fixed by articles. For example, article L3243-4 of the French Labor Code requires that an employee's payslip (considered here to be personal data) be kept for 5 years.
On the other hand, for the majority of personal data processing operations, the Data retention period is not imposed by any regulation or text. It is up to the data controller to define and determine the Data retention period for the personal data he processes, depending on the Purpose the processing.
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With a mission to support professionals in their GDPR compliance, the CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties) has set up tools to make it easier to define the applicable Data retention period for personal data. In addition, the personal data regulator has produced a guide to facilitate implementation of the principle of respecting Data retention periods.
This guide is designed to answer all the questions that professionals may have, both in relation to the principle of limiting the duration of personal data processing, and in relation to its practical application. It also contains a " Data retention retention time frame of reference" in terms of content and use.
The main aim of this type of Data retention duration repository is to make it easier for a data controller to find the relevant duration.
For each processing operation in a given sector, these guidelines present, in table form, the data life cycle to be followed (active base or intermediate archiving). The durations mentioned may therefore be either mandatory or recommended. In the first case, the durations are imposed by regulation, in the form of a legislative or regulatory text. If, on the other hand, they are recommended, the durations constitute a benchmark for data controllers.
Processing activities | Treatment details | Operating times | Prescription period | Legal references |
Absences | NA | During the term of the employment or assignment contract | 5 years from employee's departure | CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties) simplified standard n°42 |
Accidents at work | NA | While the accident is being managed | 5 years from employee's departure | Article D4711-3 of the Labor Code |
Directory | NA | Duration of contract of employment or service contract for personnel on secondment | NA | CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties) simplified standard n°46 |
Social security charges | URSSAF, pension, provident fund, etc. | While processing payroll taxes | 3 years from the end of the calendar year in respect of which the charges are due | Article L244-3 of the Social Security Code |
GDPR requests | NA | While the request is being processed | 5 years from response to request | Article 2224 of the French Civil Code |
Fees | Transport, travel, etc. | While fees are being processed | 5 years | Article 2224 of the French Civil Code |
Processing activities | Treatment details | Operating times | Prescription period | Legal references |
Chatbots | NA | 3 years from last contact | NA | CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties) simplified standard no. 48 |
Contract concluded electronically | For contracts over 120 euros only | For the entire duration of the business relationship | 10 years | Article L213-1 of the French Consumer Code and article D213-2 of the French Consumer Code |
Paper contract | NA | For the entire duration of the business relationship | 5 years | Article L110-4 of the French Commercial Code |
Cookies | Audience measurement | 13 months maximum from the installation of cookies on the terminal | NA | CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties) deliberation no. 2020-092 of September 17, 2020. |
CRM | clients data sheets | For the duration of the business relationship | 5 years | Article L110-4 of the French Commercial Code |
Bank card cryptogram (CVV2) | NA | Prohibition of Data retention | NA | Article 5 of the GDPR and deliberation no. 03- 034 of June 19, 2003 of the CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties) |
Processing activities | Treatment details | Operating times | Prescription period | Legal references |
Business correspondence | Purchase orders, delivery notes, etc. | During the entire processing period | 10 years from the end of the financial year | Article L123-22 of the French Commercial Code and CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties) simplified standard no. 48. |
clients billing | Invoices, estimates, etc. | During the entire processing period | 10 years from the end of the financial year | Article L123-22 of the French Commercial Code and CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties) simplified standard no. 48. |
Accounting books and records | NA | For the duration of the accounting process | 10 years from the closing of the book or register | Article L123-22 of the French Commercial Code |
Processing activities | Treatment details | Operating times | Prescription period | Legal references |
Notices of meeting, attendance sheets and proxies | NA | 3 years | NA | "Article L235-9 of the French Commercial Code |
Securities orders and registers | NA | 5 years | NA | Article 2224 of the French Civil Code |
Minutes | NA | 5 years from the last recorded minute | NA | Article 2224 of the French Civil Code |
Management Report | NA | 3 years | NA | "Article L235-9 of the French Commercial Code |
Statutory auditors' report | NA | 3 years | NA | "Article L235-9 of the French Commercial Code |
By-laws | NA | 5 years from deregistration | NA | Article 2224 of the French Civil Code |
Processing activities | Treatment details | Operating times | Prescription period | Legal references |
Access to premises | NA | Period of access to premises | 3 months from access | CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties) simplified standard n°42 |
Phone calls | NA | 6 months for call history | NA | |
Internet connection data | e.g IP address, logs, etc.). | 1 year | NA | Decree n°2011-219 of February 25, 2011r |
Electronic messaging | NA | 6 months for connection history | NA | |
Telephone records | NA | 1 year | NA | L34-2 of the French Post and Electronic Communications Code |
Internet use | NA | 6 months for connection history | NA | |
Video protection | NA | During recording and playback | 1 month from registration | Law 95-73 of 21-01-1995 |